IX ECPD Global Youth Forum: Youth Power for the Common Future

The European Center for Peace and Development will have its Global Youth Forum on 23-24 October 2021. The Forum will take place online and concentrate around how the youth can “build forward together”.

From the Forum’s programme:

The world is facing multiple crises, all interconnected. The health crisis is interacting with the environmental crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, leading to economic and social crises as well. On the economic side, we must transform the energy systems driving our economy, while facing growing unemployment, an increase in extreme wealth while failing to address poverty, the growing power and monopoly position of giant multinational profit-driven corporations with no international regulation to protect the common good, powerful lobbies and vested interests blocking progress, and widespread corruption. Technological innovation goes as much to support bad as good ends. Socially we face failures of trust and trustworthiness, fragmentation and loss of social cohesion, failure to achieve gender equality, the neglect of marginalized groups, and manipulation by the new media. We see increasing failures in governance, the retreat of peace and security, and religion used to fan hatred. All these express fundamental failures in
ethics, values, morality and spirituality.
How, then, can the youth of today build forward to a better future for all? How can we navigate through the old systems that are disintegrating, and become forces for a new integration? What knowledge, skills and experiences do we need? How do we maintain our idealism and hope for the future? What visions and scenarios can we develop for a better future and the world we would like to live in?

This ECPD Youth Forum will address these global trends with potentially irreversible and intergenerational consequences and consider our responsibility to take urgent individual, collective and multilateral action – BUILDING FORWARD TOGETHER.

For more information, please visit: http://www.youthforum.ecpd.org.rs/